First Aired: October 7th, 2009
Synopsis: Black Cat breaks into a secure vault owned by Oscorp executive Donald Menken, but as she finds her item, a group - including Hammerhead, Silver Sable, businessman Roderick Kingsley, Doctor Octopus, and Patch - enter the room and tell her that she's in over her head. She gracefully leaves, and Donald Menken starts the bidding for an unknown item. Kingsley bids more money than is in the bidding account, and everyone agrees to resume the bidding the next day, after more money can be put in. The next day Peter realises that he'll be late for a date with Liz since he has to go to the Daily Bugle, and while there hears about a story Frederick Foswell wants to run about the possible return of Silvermane, and old-school gangster getting out of prison soon. Since it could be connected to the Big Man, Peter wants in on it, and agrees to take photos for Foswell. That night, Patch is unable to get into the auction since his backer's withdrawn bidding money. He comes out of the building and reveals to Peter that he's a disguise of Frederick Foswell's, and they eavesdrop on the bidding with a bug Patch planted. Peter asks what's being bidded on, and Foswell reveals that it's the schematics for Rhino's armour.